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Why Use the PRISMA Checklist?

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Use of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) checklist and its extensions ensures that researchers produce high-quality, thorough systematic reviews. It also facilitates a more efficient peer review process. Using the updated 2020 PRISMA statement, including the PRISMA checklist, can also help optimize the writing of protocols and the discussion of outcomes.

Benefits of Using the PRISMA Checklist

Knowing how to use the PRISMA checklist can reap numerous benefits. These include producing a thorough and transparent systematic review, which allows readers to easily assess the strengths and weaknesses of the review results. In addition, sound review methodology can be easily replicated, giving readers confidence in your results. PRISMA provides a standard structure and format that makes reviews go more smoothly.

Here are the top 3 benefits of using the PRISMA checklist.

1. Regulation and Transparency

Organizations that are required to report to regulatory bodies will need to follow specific guidelines or standards when it comes to reporting. The PRISMA checklist provides a comprehensive and unassailable record of all the methods and processes used. This information provides a strong audit trail for any regulators and review boards.

With all aspects of the research documented in a standardized format, it is easy for an auditor or other notified body to confirm that the research followed required standards and best practices. The PRISMA checklist provides a level of trust when the data and findings are eventually presented or published.

2. Speed and Efficiency

Another key benefit of the PRISMA checklist is that it helps expedite and improve the efficiency of systematic reviews. This has become all the more important as the volume of new scientific literature generated by researchers continues to grow.

By following all 27 items specified in the checklist, everyone is working with a common set of parameters. As such, there will be a higher level of transparency as well as efficiency whenever a systematic review is conducted.

The checklist is an evidence-based minimum set of items that are required for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses. It aids in the process of planning, developing, identifying key concepts, developing criteria, and following guidelines and protocols alongside standards and methods.

3. Data Preservation and Future Proofing

Data integrity is critical and needs to be protected as much as possible. This applies even when maintaining information for prolonged periods of time.

The PRISMA checklist aids in the preservation of the data provenance because all aspects of the research and scientific investigation are documented. At any point in the future, anyone who wants to understand how the science was performed can look at the PRISMA checklist. The checklist will explain what is included in the full manuscript so the reader will know what information they can find within any specific section.

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Summary of the Checklist

The PRISMA checklist is used by professionals in many fields, including education, health, social science, etc. Understanding the PRISMA checklist, as well as the key concepts and benefits that can be derived from the checklist, can help others determine whether the subject matter can be applied to their line of work. It is suitable for people with all levels of experience and can help increase the level of transparency of systematic reviews.

The main purpose of the PRISMA checklist and statement is to help reviewers and editors report on how the review was conducted, what the authors actually did, and what they discovered. Having this level of detail can help improve manuscripts in the future.

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